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Base Server
Intel i7 2600 (Sandy Bridge) (Setup Fee $129.95, Monthly Price $129.95)
CPU Cores
4 (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
CPU Speed
3.4 (3.8) GHz (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
Hard Drive Info
500GB SATA (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
Dual 500GB SATA (Setup Fee $10.00, Monthly Price $10.00)
RAM Info
2 GB (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
4GB (Setup Fee $15.00, Monthly Price $15.00)
8 GB (Setup Fee $15.00, Monthly Price $20.00)
Bandwidth *
1500GB (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
3500GB (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $35.00)
Operating System
Other OS (Specify in Notes area) (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
CentOS 5.x 64bit (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
CentOS 5.x 32bit (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
Windows Server 2003/2008 Web (R2, 32/64) (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $15.00)
Windows Server 2003/2008 Standard (R2, 32/64) (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $25.00)
Control Panel
No Control Panel (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
Other (Specify in Notes area) (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
HCnix (Linux) (Setup Fee $25.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
Directadmin (Liunx) (Setup Fee $20.00, Monthly Price $29.00)
Additional Features
Web Based Reboot + Bandwidth Reporting (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
Off-Server Backup Space
20GB SSL/FTP Backup Space (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
80GB SSL/FTP Backup Space (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $35.00)
500GB SSL/FTP Backup Space (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $105.00)
External Firewall
No External Firewall (Use OS Firewall) (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $0.00)
Shared Hardware Firewall (Std. Ports Only) (Setup Fee $0.00, Monthly Price $10.00)
Cisco-Linksys Firewall/VPN (Setup Fee $15.00, Monthly Price $20.00)
Netgear Gigabit Firewall/VPN (Setup Fee $25.00, Monthly Price $28.00)
pfSense Firewall/VPN (Setup Fee $35.00, Monthly Price $35.00)

* Bandwidth is measured in total transfer, as well as 95th% measurements.
Whichever is highest at the end of the service period will be used for billing.

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